This is the fifth installment of Mr. Debelak's Character Education series. This academic year, through essays and videos, Mr. Debelak will discuss Birchwood School of Hawken’s character education program, explaining what we mean by good character, why we place importance on character education, and how we carry out an effective program that gets results. A companion video to this essay is linked below.
In deriving principles for an effective character education program, we answer three questions:
1) What do we mean by good character?
2) Why is it important that schools construct a meaningful character education program?
3) How do we build a realistic and effective framework; what pieces are needed?
The “how” question includes three aspects – teaching, training and culture. Previously, I discussed teaching and training. Here I will discuss the role of culture.
This is the fourth installment of Mr. Debelak's Character Education series. This academic year, through essays and videos, Mr. Debelak will discuss Birchwood School of Hawken’s character education program, explaining what we mean by good character, why we place importance on character education, and how we carry out an effective program that gets results. A companion video to this essay is linked below.
In deriving the principles of an effective character education, we answer three questions: What do we mean by good character? Why is it imperative that the school constructs a meaningful character education program? And finally, based upon the “what” and the “why,” we deduce the “how” and construct a realistic and effective plan toward realizing our hopes.
The “how” includes three aspects – teaching, training, and culture. In last month’s essay, I discussed teaching. Here, I discuss training.